Get rid of acne and pimple easily - Rešite se akni i bubuljica lako
Hi girls. I am here with a new solution to the problem that most often occurs in puberty. I'll show you some healing tricks to easily deal with acne and pimples. The first solution is sandalwood. You can find it in pharmacies or healthy foods. Place the oil on the wick, soak it on the face, tap for 5 minutes, wait for one 10-15 minutes to run and rinse with lukewarm water. The next option is coconut oil, but it is liquid, in droplets, first it is a little warm, not hot, but the temperature of the skin. You can rub it with your palm for 5 minutes, then wait for 30 minutes and rinse with lukewarm water. The following is the Tea Tree Oil, which originates from an Australian plant. You can also find him in pharmacies or healthy foods. Apply it to the wax, a few drops, to the parts of the face that are sick, heat it for 5 minutes, and wait for the person to absorb 15 minutes. After that rinse the face. Here's another interesting ... Face the face with lemon. Sprinkle the lemon and add water, so wash your face .. if it's simple. After all these natural treatments, you can apply some moisturizing cream on your face. After these treatments, for the next hour, we do not apply make-up, no way. That would be all. Thank you for listening ... Bye ❤ Zdravo devojke. Tu sam sa novim rešenjem problema koji se najčešće javlja u pubertetu. Pokazaću va neke lekovite trikove kako da se lako rešite akni i bubuljica. Prvo rešenje jeste sandalovo ulje. Možete ga naći u apotekama ili zdravim hranama. Ulje stavimo na vaticu, utapkamo to na lice, tapkamo 5 minuta, sačekamo da deluje jedno 10-15 minuta i isperemo mlakom vodom. Sledeća mogućnost jeste kokosovo ulje, ali ono tečno, u kapljicama, pre svega ga malo ugrejte,ne da bude vruće ,već temperatura kože. Njega možete umasirati dlanom, 5 minuta, zatim čekamo da deluje 30 minuta i isperemo mlakom vodom. Sledeće jeste Sledeće jeste ulje čajevca, koje potiče od jedne Australijske biljke. Njega takodje možete naći u apotekama ili zdravim hranama. Njega nanosimo vaticom, nekoliko kapi ,na delove lica koji su oboleli, utapkivanju se posvetimo 5 minuta, a sačekamo da lice upije 15 minuta. Nakon toga isperemo lice. Evo još nečeg interesantnog...Ispiravanje lica limunom. Iscedimo limun i dodamo vodu, tako ispiramo lice..jako jednostavno. Posle svih tih prirodnih tretmana, možete da nanesete neku hidrirajuću kremu na lice. Posle ovih tretmana, sledećih sat vremena, ne nanosimo šminku, nikako. To bi bilo sve. Hvala na slušanju...Ćaos❤
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