Beautiful spirit - Duhom lepa

Hello girls, the topic we are about to talk about now is - The Ghost is beautiful. That's nice inside, not just outside. Of course, girls need to worry about their exterior beauty, but they represent inner beauty. To be beautiful with the spirit, you need to radiate with positive energy. So you will be more popular and lonely in society. Goodness is a primary condition of inner beauty. Try to help your friends more, unless it's something illegal xD. Basically, sometimes, in order to keep the friend you have, you must be ready to sacrifice your own needs. Many teenagers know what I'm talking about, but some people know it, they use friends, or they do not respect them, they are already complaining. While some teenagers unconsciously lull their friends, but if their buddies are honest with them, they can change and be aware of their actions. To radiate positive beauty, you have to joke with friends, lend them things and help around the school - for example. Friends will remember the works that you have done to them, and they will return you with the same measure ... Mostly, in order to be beautiful, you need to radiate self-confidence, but not too much, but as much as others can not overcome this self-confidence. Set an objective. You need to have goals that you will fulfill in the future. Strive to the greatest goals, if you want to achieve something ... Go down and down. When something unexpected and bad for your life happens, you need to continue to achieve the desired goals. Sleeps and downs are just tests for our life; they are there to encourage us to move on and not to hit the wall with the head. That would be it.Thanks for listening, Bye❤                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Zdravo devojke, tema o kojoj ćemo sada pričati jeste - Duhom lepa. Odnosno lepa unutra, a ne samo spolja. Naravno da devojke trebaju da brinu o svojoj spoljašnoj lepoti, ali ih predstavlja unutrašnja lepota. Da bi bile lepe duhom, morate zračiti pozitivnom energijom. Tako ćete biti popularniji i voljeniji u društvu. Dobrota je prvenstveni uslov unutrašnje lepote. Potrudite se da što više pomognete prijateljima, sem ako nije nešto ilegalno xD. Uglavnom, nekada, da bi zadržali prijatelja koga imate, morate biti spremni da žrtvujete i svoje potrebe. Mnogi tinejdžeri znaju o čemu govorim, ali neki znajući to, iskorišćavaju prijatelje,odnosno ne poštuju ih,već omaložavaju. Dok neki tinejdžeri nesvesno omaložavaju svoje prijatelje, ali ako prijatelji budi iskreni prema njima, oni se mogu promeniti i biti svesni svojih postupaka. Da bi zračio pozitivnom lepotom, moraš se šaliti sa prijateljima, pozajmivati im stvari i pomoći oko škole - na primer. Prijatelji će vam zapamtiti dela koja ste im radili, pa će vam uzvratiti istom merom... Uglavnom, da bi bile duhom lepe, morate zračiti samopouzdanjem, ali ne previše, već onoliko koliko vam drugi ne može oboriti to samopouzdanje. Postaviti neki cilj. Trebate imati ciljeve, koje ćete u budućnosti ispuniti. Težite ka što većim ciljevima, ako želite da postignete nešto...Usponi i padovi. Kada se desi nešto neočekivano i loše po vaš život, treba se nastaviti, da bi postigli željene ciljeve. Usponi i padovi su samo testovi za naš život, oni su tu da nas podstiču da krenemo dalje i da ne udaramo glvom o zid. To bi bilo to,hvla na slušanju, Ćaos ❤                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
