How to Suffer Your Brother or Sister - Kako istrpeti brata ili sestru

Hi girls. Today I am writing to you about something very, very interesting. It's your brother or sister. Maybe you have a brother or a sister and we will agree that this is very hard. The youngsters make us chaos around the house, and the older ones ignore and stifle us, but it's all part of having a brother or sister, if I can express my birth. I have a brother, and when I'm not here, but when I am, my room turns into a total disaster. Listen to these tips in order to keep it calm. When you are mocked, they are mostly older siblings or brothers, you need to ignore it. I always have the desire to respond with provocation, and I believe you, but do not do it, because it gives them the motivation to continue doing it. It's the same with young people, only they do not show words, but works. Usually when they are small, we are bored of their stupid and childish behavior, and we shout at them. But they are just kids, they want to play, but I have to admit to them and glorify by splitting our books. Sisters take our makeup and wardrobe. Older real teenage chaos in our room. Really horrible. Ignore them, but only when they make nonsense to your account, otherwise it is not very easy to ignore them, yet they are born to us brothers and sisters, everything is moderate. If you share a room with them, ask them not to throw things around the room, even though the application does not really affect them. Suggest that you divide the room into two parts, maybe it will turn on. But do not show that you care about their words, it's the biggest mistake, so the brawl between the brothers and sisters is causing it ... That would be it, I think you found it in many sentences, because I, believe me. Thank you for listening ... Bye❤                                                                                                                                                                              Zdravo devojke. Danas vam pišem o nečemu jako, jako zanimljivim. U pitanju su vaši rodjeni brat ili sestra. Možda imate brata ili sestru i složićemo se da je to jako naporno. Mladji nam prave haos po kući, a stariji nas ignorišu i ismejvaju, ali to je sve deo kada imate brata ili sestru, ako mogu da se izrazim svoje rodjene. Ja imam brata i kada nisam tu, ali i kad jesam, moja soba se pretvori u totalnu katastrofu. Da bi sprečili to i bili smireni, poslušajte ove savete. Kada  vam se rugaju, najčešće su to starije sestre ili braća, vi to trebate da zanemarite. Ja uvek imam želju da uzvratim provokacijom, a verujem i vi, ali nemojte to da radite, jer im to daje motivaciju da nastave to da rade. Isto je tako i sa mladjima, samo što oni ne pokazuju rečima, već delima. Obično kada su mali, nama dosadi njihovo glupo i detinjasto ponašanje, pa vičemo na njih. Ali oni su samo deca, žele da se igraju, ali moram da priznam žele i da se glupiraju cepajući naše knjige. Sestre uzimaju našu šminku i garderobu. Stariji prave tinejdžerski haos u našoj sobi. Stvarno užas. Ignorišite ih, ali samo kada prave gluposti na vaš račun, inače nije baš lepo ignorisati uvek, ipak su nam oni rodjena braća i sestre, sve je umereno. Ako delite sobu sa njima, zamolite ih da ne razbacuju stvari svuda po sobi, iako molba baš i ne utiče na njih. Predložite da sobu podelite na dva dela, možda i upali. Ali ne pokazujte da vam je stalo do njihovih reči, to je najveća greška, tako se prouzrokuju svadje medju braća i sestara...To bi bilo to, mislim da ste se pronašli u mnogim rečenicama, jer ja, verujte jesam. Hvala na slušanju...Ćaos❤
