Tips for nice nails - Saveti za lepe nokte
Hi girls. If your nails leak, lose their natural color or just want to be nicer, these are the right tips for you. In case of weak nails, you need to paint them with a colorless lacquer, two layers on each nail. Long-term absorption of dark lacquer can cause nail pigmentation, and therefore a colorless lacquer is a better solution. A nail damaging agent is acetone. Therefore, after using acetone, rinse your hands with lukewarm water. Nails are brittle and lean, in which case calcium does not help, but glycerin is an excellent solution. Creams containing glycerine, lubricate on nails and they will be tough, but not after 3 uses. The first results are only visible after only 2 weeks of use. If you want to restore moisture with your nails, lick them with lemon that is left of it. When absorbed, lubricate them with a colorless lacquer, no color in color, this may have a bad effect on your nail base. Another trick is to fill some bowl with warm milk, put your hands on it and see the results. Hold your hands for 5 minutes and thus provide hydration with your nails, due to the lactic acid that contains milk. That would be that. Thank you for listening ... Bye❤ Zdravo devojke. Ako vam se nokti listaju, gube prirodnu boju ili samo želite da budu lepši, ovo su pravi saveti za vas. Ako su u pitanju slabi nokti, trebate da ih mažete bezbojnim lakom i to po dva sloja na svakom noktu. Dugotrajna ubotraba tamnog laka može izazvati pigmentaciju nokta, pa zato bezbojni lak predstavlja bolje rešenje. Sredstvo koje oštećuje nokte, jeste aceton. Zato posle korišćenja acetona, isperite ruke mlakom vodom. Nokti su krti i listaju vam se, u tom slučaju kalcijum ne pomaže, ali je glicerin odlično rešenje. Kreme koje sadrže glicerin, namažite na nokte i oni će biti čvrći, ali ne nakon 3 korišćenja. Prvi rezultati vide se tek nakon nehih 2 nedelje upotrebe. Ako želite da vratite vlagu noktima, mažite ih limunom koji je preostao od cedjenja. Kada upiju, namažite ih bezbojnim lakom, nikako lakom u boji, to može loše uticati na vašu podlogu noktiju. Još jedan trik jeste da napunite neku činiju toplim mlekom, stavite tu ruke i videćete rezultate. Držite ruke 5 minuta i na taj način dajete hidrataciju vašim noktima, zbog laktozne kiseline koje sadrži mleko. To bi bilo to. Hvala na slušanju...Ćaos❤
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