DIY - make the perfect gift or beautiful decoration

Hi girls. Now one DIY has come to my mind. It's one simple but beautiful room decoration, which you can do with the help of Image frame, paper and a few different shades of roses. Take the paper and lubricate your mouth with some of the karmine. Leave the fingerprints with the help of different color of the lipstick. When you have filled your paper with kisses, put paper in the frame. Swing the nail into the wall and hang on to what you have been able to do. If you want this to be a gift for a companion, wrap the shoulder in the wrapping paper. I think this looks very nice, but it does not require much material, it does not cost you much and it looks very nice. It would be about this DIY. Thank you for listening ... Bye  ❤                                                                                                                                                                                               Zdravo devojke. Sada mi je jedan DIY pao na pamet. U pitanju je jedna jednostavna a lepa dekoracija sobe, koju možete napraviti uz pomoć- Rama za slike, papira i nekoliko različitih nijansi ruževa. Uzmite papir i namažite usta nekim od karmina. Ostavljajte otiske usnana uz pomoć različitih boja ruževa. Kada ste ispunili papir poljupcima, stavite papir u ram. Zakucajte ekser u zid i okačite to što je ste uspeli da napravite. U koliko hoćete da ovo bude poklon za drugaricu, umotajte ram u papir za uvijanje poklona. Smatram da ovo jako lepo izgleda, s tim da nije potrebano mnogo materijala, ne košta vas mnogo a jako lepo izgleda. To bi bilo to što se tiče ovog DIY-a. Hvala na slušanju...Ćaos ❤
