DIY for autumn - DIY za jesen
Hi girls. Autumn has come and you certainly want to achieve the fall atmosphere in the house, this is just one of the DIY, which means I have more. First of all you need a glass, long and narrow vase. Put the corn into this vase, fill it almost completely, you will see in the picture. Push Candles into these corn grains, which has the shape of a roller, it is important to go to the height, not the breadth. Around the vase, tie the straw hooks and tie the bow. I think this is very easy and it looks very nice. This decoration creates a beautiful autumn atmosphere. Especially when you have more places in the house. You can also put a fragrant candle, the smell of which really brings the autumn into your home. That would be it, and I promise there will be even more autumn DIYs. Thank you for listening ... Bye ❤ Zdravo devojke. Jesen je došla i sigurno želite da ostvarite jesenju atmosferu u kući, ovo je samo jedan od DIY, što znači da ih imam još. Pre svega vam treba staklena, dugačka i uska vaza. Stavite kukuruz u tu vazu, napunite je skoro pa skroz, videćete na slici. U ta kukuruzna zrna gurnite sveću, koja ima oblik valjka, bitno je da ide u visinu, ne u širinu. Oko vaze vežite slamene tračice i vežite mašnu. Mislim da je ovo jako lako a baš lepo izgleda. Ova dekoracija stvara predivnu jesenju atmosferu. Pogotovo kad je imate na više mesta u kući. Možete staviti i mirišljavu sveću, čiji miris baš oživljava jesen u vašem domu. To bi bilo to, a ja obećavam da će biti još jesenjih DIY-eva. Hvala na slušanju...Ćaos ❤
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