Cheats for better organization of your room - Trikovi za bolju organizaciju vaše sobe
Hi girls. You must love when your room is nicely decorated, and the things in it are nicely arranged. I am a perfectionist when it comes to arranging the room, and this is a few of my tips on how to organize your room more easily. You can refresh the old closet. It's nice to arrange a dressing room in it, maybe you draw something on it, or paint it in a different color. It's all about taste. If you want your bedroom to be exquisite with elegance, beside the cabinets, put a light armchair with small cushions. Bedroom in the attic can also be a place for a warehouse. Underneath the bed, install the drawers, and put things that you do not wear often. Make your walls colorful in bright colors, such as white, so your room will look visually larger. As for furniture layout, Place the wardrobe so that you can maximize the height of your room. In addition to install a small compartment of the same or similar design, and compare it with makeup, and above the chest, attach the mirror. Cover the bed with a white blanket, and add flower pads, thus creating a wonderful ambience in your room. If you like, remove the usual chests and make extra storage space. Of course, it's all a matter of taste ... Take shelves on the panel behind the bed, where you can put framed pictures. On the other side of the bed, put a rattan chest. In it you can hold bedding, pillows, and excess items from the wardrobe. A white toilet, a table maker creates a dart in your room. Toilet which is best when it has a triple-wing mirror, Two green roses, will well emphasize the floral design in the background. As an ending, insert the field flowers, so your room will look like a place to enjoy and relax. That would be that. Thank you for listening, and I hope that my advice was to you ... Bye❤ Zdravo devojke. Sigurno volite kada vam je soba lepo uredjena, a stvari u njoj lepo rasporedjene. Ja sam perfekcionista kada je u pitanju sredjivanje prostorije, a ovo je nekoliko mojih saveta kako da lakše organizujete svoju sobu. Možete osvežiti stari orman. Lepo organizovati garderobu u njemu, možda nacrtate nešto na njemu, ili ga obojite u drugu boju. Sve je stvar ukusa. Ukoliko želite da vam spavaća soba odiše elegancijom, pored ormana, stavite i svetlu fotelju sa malim jastučićima. Spavaća soba u potkrovlju, može biti i mesto za skladište. Ispod kreveta ugradite fioke, i tu stavite stvari koje ne nosite baš često. Zidove obojite svetlim bojama, kao što je bela, tako će vam soba vizuelno izgledati veće. Što se tiče rasporeda nameštaja, Postavite garderober tako da maksimalno iskoristite visinu vaše prostorije. Pored namestite malu komodu istog ili sličnog dizajna, i tu poredjate šminku, a iznad komode, okačite ogledalo. Krevet pokrijte belim pokrivačem, i dodate cvetne jastučiće, na taj način stvara se divan ambijent u vašoj sobi. Ako želite, izbacite uobičajene komode i napravite dodatan prostor za ostavu. Naravno, sve je stvar ukusa...Police naslonite na panel iza kreveta, na koji možete staviti uramljene slike. S druge strane kreveta, stavite skrinju od ratana. U njoj možete držati posteljinu, jastuke, ali i višak stvari iz garderobera. Beli toalet sto, po meni stvara divotu u vašoj sobi. Toalet sto je najbolji kada ima trokrilno ogledalo, Dve zelene ruže, lepo će naglasiti cvetni dizajn u pozadini. Kao završnicu, ubacite i poljsko cveće, tako će vaša soba izledati kao mesto za uživanje i opuštanje. To bi bilo to. Hvala na slušanju, a ja se nadam da su vam se moji saveti svideli...Ćaos❤
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